Hii Coco! Thank you for writing this. Truly. I’m currently reading “Deep Work” by Cal Newport and you’re covered two topics … To not be afraid or steer away from Boredom and the second “the 80/20” rule which you’ve covered in this article. My follow up question is, (if you’re willing to share) What are your top 2-3 activities that you focus on most in terms of Substack / the ability to create a career for yourself that aligns with your interests and mission in life. I know it’s common for us to have 15-20 interests … but to really focus in on 2-3. I’m curious what yours are. This is such a great reference point. Thank you 🙏🏼 ♒️<3
Good advice, I think something to also factor in though is that you've had a built-in following, so do you think there's correlation or causation of social following helping to boost paid Substack subscriptions?
Thanks everyone for reading! ❤️ Hope this helps anyone who wants to grow their own Substack
Thanks for writing! I'm currently on a mission of gaining 1k paid subscribers and the email tip is clutch! Love your content always
Hii Coco! Thank you for writing this. Truly. I’m currently reading “Deep Work” by Cal Newport and you’re covered two topics … To not be afraid or steer away from Boredom and the second “the 80/20” rule which you’ve covered in this article. My follow up question is, (if you’re willing to share) What are your top 2-3 activities that you focus on most in terms of Substack / the ability to create a career for yourself that aligns with your interests and mission in life. I know it’s common for us to have 15-20 interests … but to really focus in on 2-3. I’m curious what yours are. This is such a great reference point. Thank you 🙏🏼 ♒️<3
Every single one of these tips I'm thankful for. Been slowly implementing. Thanks for sharing and not gatekeeping!
Such a great summary!
Pinterest! Yesssss - I am gaining more and more traction to my Substack posts via Pinterest.
Thank you for this! Very helpful.
Thank you soooooo much for writing this
Just left a comment with a ‘in good faith’ question about social following correlating also to paid success here on the sub subs.
Good advice, I think something to also factor in though is that you've had a built-in following, so do you think there's correlation or causation of social following helping to boost paid Substack subscriptions?
Thank you, Coco Mocoe! I love your suggestion to use Pinterest to grow on Substack. I've never heard this before!
I don't have a big social media following, so I'm going to try this Pinterest idea. (also, I love pinterest)
Truly appreciate your insights, which you share so generously.
Is this possible for everyone?
You look like Billie Eilish
Good stuff, thanks for bringing those up 🙌🏻
These are very unique tips!
This was extremely helpful! Thank you so much 🩷
Ok this may sound crazy but do you take phone calls?! I’d love to pick your brain and yes I’d pay to do that!!